Have you reviewed your Ownership Structures or considered Asset Protection recently?
In an increasingly litigious world you don’t necessarily have to do anything wrong to be at risk of someone making a claim against you and your assets. You may simply come across an individual who can tell a good story and although their claim may have little or no merit a court may nonetheless decide you must pay a claim that will take a significant portion of what you have worked hard for or more to pay.
Don’t wait until it’s too late – talk to us about organising your affairs while everything is going well. We will undertake a review of the industry in which you operate, the way you carry on your business and how your business and personal assets are held. We will then work with you and integrate our services with that of other professionals from various disciplines such as law, insurance and finance to provide a complete and comprehensive solution to ensure that if the worse does happen you do not lose everything you have worked so hard for.
Contact us now for an obligation free consultation and fixed price quote.
*Actual price will depend on your situation, level of transactions, number of employees, reporting, support or meetings required. We will discuss your situation with you and provide a Fixed Price for your affairs. Quoted pricing is based on the average spend by existing customers on the relevant plans. All prices exclude GST.
After we've had a chat and agreed on how RTS Accountants can help you we'll contact your current accountant and ask them to forward your information. It's that simple.