Individuals and small business owners must navigate their way through a minefield of compliance issues, with significant penalties for taking a wrong step.
Let us assist and guide you. We make your compliance our priority, giving you the time and focus to do what you do best.
Our services include:
- Corporate and Personal Tax Compliance
- Tax Planning
- Goods and Services Tax (GST)
- Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) and Salary Packaging
- Capital Gains Tax
- Assistance with ATO investigations, reviews and negotiations
Taxation is a major cost to business and like with any other business cost, time and effort should be invested in ensuring that you are not paying more than your fair share. We will work with you and other decision makers in your business to ensure that appropriate steps are taken before it is too late and that the right structures are in place early to ensure your taxation exposure is planned for and minimised while remaining compliant and within the bounds of the current legislation.
Contact us now for an obligation free consultation and fixed price quote.
*Actual price will depend on your situation, level of transactions, number of employees, reporting, support or meetings required. We will discuss your situation with you and provide a Fixed Price for your affairs. Quoted pricing is based on the average spend by existing customers on the relevant plans. All prices exclude GST.
After we've had a chat and agreed on how RTS Accountants can help you we'll contact your current accountant and ask them to forward your information. It's that simple.